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Sailor Moon!
He's got two runes?
Episode 1 \n The Smiling Senshi
I'm not trying to become
a cook or a gourmet...
Contact the ship.
lick my foot.
It's gone up a little...
It's like an endless loop of dumb and dumber!
That would've never occurred to me.
Is this woman a saint?!
I'm a little touched.
I figured she only ever had games and anime on her mind.
...because of the new virus going around?
Is she worried about me...
You know you're happy about it.
Get out!
Why are you here?!
What is it?!
Must be innate.
She's cute to the core!
What was going on inside Kona-chan's head during all that?!
So it is him! This punishment was triggered by the seating change! {Shin "Punishment through seating change!" ‚â‚Á‚Ï‚è‚ ‚¢‚B‚ ‚̐ȑւ¦‚ð‚«‚Á‚©‚¯‚É’¦‰úo‚µ‚Ä‚«‚½‚ñ‚¾Ip}
So it is about a boy!
Jeez. Since you're the
festival committee member,
Eh?! Greeting?! This is Japan !
even strong fighters train
for over 10 years.
It shows how greatly the
1 3 Court Guard Squads must value
We can't... give up...
Of course I do!
This year, I made 15th
in the 20-seat Ninth Squad!
"SK8 the Infinity"
Next time on Bungou Stray Dogs, Episode 10:
Be careful. Gojou-sensei has a
tendency to do things like that.
I'm Anya Forger.
"The Case Study of Vanitas"
What's your favorite color?
Not one person notices as the world becomes
dislocated and is covered in the flames of Guze.
The Quintessential Quintuplets
I can't use any jujutsu yet.
One hundred push-ups!
One hundred sit-ups!
"True Hero" and "Overlord".
Conan-kun was as impressive as always.
So do you see? Conan Doyle must have wanted to be like Holmes!
Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is the world's greatest detective!
Next time, on The Seven Deadly Sins: "Dark Pulse."
"SK8 the Infinity"
I don't know! Nobody wants to be chased!
I have no strength, but I want it all.
I've seen that hunk of metal before.
Next episode: "The Masterful Cat
Has Grown Big."
The Beast King never
lets anyone off easy.
Uzumaki Naruto, the ninja!
but why did you come to Jujutsu Tech?
I'm a flag-crusher who makes game masters cry.
Bargain day at the supermarket!!
Excuse me! Kisaki-san!
My name is Megumin!
And now for this moguro leaf juice,
which is supposed to be
I'm entrusting Konoha to you, Naruto.
"Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation"
ARIFURETA: From Commonplace
to World's Strongest .
Next time on Bungou Stray Dogs, Episode 10:
Good morning!
You've seen plenty of jujutsu sorcerers,
even those with talent,
Next time on Bungou Stray Dogs, Episode 10:
Next time on Bungou Stray Dogs, Episode 10:
Next time on Bungou Stray Dogs, Episode 10:
But jujutsu sorcery is an individual sport.
The MgRonald's policy is that part-timers can work their way up to full-time employees!
You truly are slothful, Subaru.
You can't do that after
we've come all this way!
Kneel down.
A photo of the landlady in a swimsuit?
But why am I naked?
Next time on Bungou Stray Dogs, Episode 10:
Nice to meet you, partner! I'm Chisato!
Not only am I clueless,
I'm also broke beyond compare!
I'm leaving Mikey to you, Kazutora.
I don't think we need to pay them any mind.
I just know that I'm gonna get devoured
and killed soon by a demon!
Not after all that we the Demon Slayers
have gone through in battle!
I won't let anyone get away with making
fun of my hair, no matter who it is!
Nice to meet you, partner! I'm Chisato!
It felt like it was shoving
an idea into my brain.
This guy sounds like a bother.
At this distance and this timing...
Hanami stepped in to save him,
None can stand in opposition
of my lethal explosion magic.

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