echo 'digraph { "Shanks" -> "Dracule Mihawk" [taillabel = "Rival of"] "Crocodile" -> "Dracule Mihawk" [taillabel = "Ally of"] "Buggy the Star Clown" -> "Dracule Mihawk" [taillabel = "Ally of"] "Alvida" -> "Dracule Mihawk" [taillabel = "Teammate of"] "Monkey D. Luffy" -> "Alvida" [taillabel = "In love with"] "Buggy the Star Clown" -> "Alvida" [taillabel = "Subordinate of"] "Dracule Mihawk" -> "Alvida" [taillabel = "Teammate of"] "Galdino" -> "Alvida" [taillabel = "Partner of"] "Monkey D. Luffy" -> "Crocodile" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Donquixote Doflamingo" -> "Crocodile" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Monkey D. Luffy" -> "Shanks" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Buggy the Star Clown" -> "Shanks" [taillabel = "Rival of"] "Dracule Mihawk" -> "Shanks" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Alvida" -> "Buggy the Star Clown" [taillabel = "Friend of#"] "Nami" -> "Buggy the Star Clown" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Monkey D. Luffy" -> "Buggy the Star Clown" [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Shanks" -> "Buggy the Star Clown" [taillabel = "Childhood friend of"] }' | dot -Tsvg > output.svg